Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How Brain Works

Good Days: Things go right. We take the right decisions or at least they seem to be right. We remember how we have done so good in life. How things always work out. How we're better than the rest. How our friends are the best anyone can have. How we've been good to people. How we're proud of ourselves. How others are proud of us. How important we are. How we shouldn't ever change.

Bad Days: We screw up. Domino effect leads to screw ups. Old screw ups re-surface. Old wonders start looking like potential screw-ups. We remember how we always screw up. How it always ends badly. How there's no one to prevent us from falling. How we're a disappointment to us and others. How useless we are. How we can't ever change.

Normal Days: We're just our usual ignorant self.


  1. good days seem to have disappeared for me... wat state of mind r u in rite nw???

  2. there's an overlap in ur definition of normal and good days. for when we are ignorant of our situation and people around us, everythng seems good. it is the bad days which really have the potential to drive us to seek and strive for the better, provided we harness that 'potential'.the onus lies on us, the onus lies on u :)
    chill :)

  3. @Aishna: Are you saying happiness is an illusion ?

  4. dude it was just a stupid code! :P

  5. @Beautifulmind: Thank you and welcome to my little space :)
